Nanny Contract Template

A nanny contract is a legal contract that engages both the nanny and the employer to base whatever they say and do based on the contract. This contract will make everything clear between the two parties so that there is no conflict in the future. Also, the contract is aimed at protecting the two parties from suffering any kind of loss caused by unexpected situation or action. Indeed, a nanny contract is important for both the nanny herself and the person who hires her to take care of his children. A nanny contract template that can be accessed online will help the two parties to get deeper understanding about the contract functions and benefits.

Nanny Contract Template for Word
Nanny Contract Template

Things to be included in the Contract
There are many things that can be written out in a nanny contract for the sake of making the duties, the responsibilities, and the rights of the nanny obvious. That is why it is strongly recommended to write all the points in detail. The things below are several topics that are crucial to be written out and well explained in the contract.
> Working hours, including the time of the nanny’s sign in and sign out every day.
> The benefits that the nanny will get such as paid holidays and health insurance.
> The amount of the salary that the nanny will get every month and the method of paying the salary, for example it is paid on the first day of each month or on the last day.
> The duties that the nanny should do such as taking your daughter to and from her violin class, reading stories for your daughter, and many more.

Though it is important to explain all the duties in detail so that the nanny will work with total discipline, but there are some situations when you have to be wise.

> Certain conditions policy, for example when the nanny cannot come because of sick or any other reason, she must notify you before 6 AM. Also, just in case you have to work overtime in the office, then the nanny will have to stay with your children until you arrive home, and as a consequence you will give her additional fee.
> Family holiday, when you take your children to go out of town without your nanny so that she will enjoy her holiday. It is wise to keep paying her full salary because the holiday is not her plan.

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