When you are preparing your resume for journalist position, you might aware that you also need to write a good cover letter. It is a letter that usually put on top of your submitted document application. It has to be attractive to make Human Resources people in targeted company pick your resume among hundreds of similar documents.
It is not easy to be a journalist. If you have plenty of achievement written in your resume, you will get a better chance to be recruited. But, without a good cover letter, your resume could be passed. You have to imagine that targeted company Human Resources people has to read hundreds of application. They will read cover letter first before deciding to read any resume thoroughly.
Below is one sample for your reference.
Dear Mr. Johnstone:
Thank you for the opportunity of applying to the position of Online Editor in Journaljournal.net as advertised on December 19.
I am enthusiast about this opportunity. I am focused and organized editor and writer specialized in online media. I am experienced in working with some of the most innovative independent media and my writings had been published in top websites and media. I have researched various topics including popular culture, arts, politics and new media.
I have attached the examples of my published work along with my resume and look forwards to meet you and discuss about this exciting opportunity further.
You can write a better one to make sure you will get the interview opportunity.
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